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Unit pricing: how to spend less by paying more

Learn how knowing the unit price can help you save money. 
If you just read this title, you must be confused - how can you spend less by paying more? The answer is per unit pricing.
Per unit pricing tells you how much you're paying per ounce, per pound, or per item. Paying attention to per unit pricing can help you figure out which product is the best deal.
For example, if you're shopping for toilet paper, you might see two different brands. One costs $5.99 for 12 rolls, while the other costs $7.99 for 18 rolls. At first glance, it appears that the first option is the best deal. But if you compare per unit pricing, you'll see that the second option is actually cheaper: the first option costs $0.50 per roll
The second option costs only $0.44 per roll
In conclusion, even though we paid more for the bigger pack of toilet paper, we actually spent less for each roll.

Per unit pricing

While it may seem that you are going to have to be walking around the store with a calculator in order to get the best deal, you may be surprised that most stores have already done the math for you.
Look at the price label below:
Per unit pricing is typically shown in smaller print on the side.
Per unit pricing can be especially helpful when you're trying to compare different sizes of the same product. See if you can spot the best deal between these 2 options:
Even though both labels show the same sale price, unit price is cheaper for the body wash on the left.
Per unit pricing isn’t always present on shelf tags, but it’s worth keeping an eye out for. Even if it is not available, you can easily calculate the per unit cost yourself. This is a valuable skill to help you get the best deal at the grocery store, and keep more money in your pocket.

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