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Cost and benefits of life insurance

Learning about life insurance can help you find the right coverage to ensure your family's financial security in case something happens to you. Knowing more about this insurance helps you make the best decision to safeguard your loved ones' future.

What life insurance does and why it's important

Life insurance is a contract between a person (the insured) and an insurance company. The insured pays a regular amount of money, called a premium, to the insurance company. In exchange, the insurance company promises to pay a certain amount of money, called a death benefit, to the insured's beneficiaries (such as family members) if the insured dies. This money can help the beneficiaries pay for expenses like housing, education, and living costs.
Having life insurance can give you peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of financially if something were to happen to you.

Who needs life insurance?

Most people who have dependents or people who rely on them financially should consider life insurance. People who frequently need life insurance are:
  • Parents with young children
  • People who have taken on large debts, such as a mortgage
  • People who have people that depend on them
  • People who want to leave a legacy for their loved ones
People who don't have others depending on them, like single adults with no kids or retirees with enough savings, may not need life insurance as much.
Life insurance protects those who depend on you and your income.

What happens if you don't have life insurance?

Dying without life insurance can have a big impact on your loved ones. They might have to pay for your funeral and other end-of-life expenses out of pocket, which can be costly. Most importantly, if you are the primary income earner, your family members may struggle to pay bills and maintain their lifestyle without your income.

Why are there so many life insurance policies?

You might have come across various names such as term life, universal life, variable life, and so on, which can make it seem like life insurance is overly complicated and difficult to understand. The reality is that many insurance companies choose names for their policies that may not necessarily explain the type of policy it is. The good news is that life insurance can only be one of two forms, regardless of the name: either term or whole life.

Terms life vs. whole life

A term life policy and a whole life policy are two different types of life insurance, but their names can tell you the difference. Term life covers you for a specific term of time: as low as 5 years, and as most as 30 years. Whole life insurance covers you for your whole life.

Term Life Policy:

  • This policy is like renting a house. You pay for a specific amount of time (the term), and if something happens to you during that time, your family gets the money (the death benefit).
  • It's usually cheaper than a whole life policy.
  • The term can be 5, 10, 20, or 30 years.
  • If you're still alive at the end of the term, the policy ends and you don't get any money back.
Example: Let's say Rico buys a 20-year term life policy with $100,000 death benefit. He pays $20 a month. If he passes away during those 20 years, his family gets the $100,000 If he's still alive after 20 years, the policy ends and he doesn't get any money back.

Whole Life Policy:

  • This policy is like buying a house. You pay for the rest of your life (or until a certain age), and your family gets the money when you pass away.
  • It's usually more expensive than a term life policy.
  • It lasts your whole life, as long as you keep paying the premiums.
  • It builds cash value over time, which you can use or borrow against while you're alive.
Example: Let's say Samara buys a whole life policy with $100,000 death benefit. She pays $75 a month. When she passes away, her family gets the $100,000. Plus, she builds cash value over time, which she can use while she's alive.
Here's a table that compares term and whole life policies:
Term life policyWhole life policy
CoverageSpecific time (term)Whole life
CostCheaperMore expensive
Cash ValueNoYes
Length530 yearsLifetime
In summary, term life policies are cheaper and cover you for a specific period, while whole life policies are more expensive and last your entire life, with a cash value that builds over time.

What does it mean to be insurable?

Being insurable means that an insurance company is willing to give you a life insurance policy. You know how health insurance companies can't say no to people with health problems? Well, life insurance companies are different – they can say no. The things that decide if you're insurable are your age, how healthy you are, what you do for work and fun, and how you live your life.
This important to consider - you can become uninsurable for life insurance if you develop health issues or even change jobs. This can happen fast, so it's important to buy life insurance now to protect your loved ones.

How much does life insurance cost?

The price of life insurance can change depending on a few things. Let's look at some of the factors that can affect the cost of life insurance.


The first thing that can change the cost of your life insurance is your age. Think about it like this: the younger you are, the less likely you are to get sick, have an accident, or die. This means that life insurance companies usually charge less for younger people. So, if you're a young adult, it's a good idea to start thinking about getting life insurance. Remember: the earlier, the better.


Your health plays a big role in how much life insurance costs. If you're in good shape and don't have any serious medical conditions, life insurance companies will see you as less risky. This means they'll charge you less for your policy.


Your jobs is a big factor - a firefighter might be at a higher risk of getting hurt than someone working at a bookstore. Life insurance companies take this into account when figuring out how much to charge for a policy. If you have a risky job, you might have to pay a little more for life insurance.


Do you need insurance for a specific length of time? It's usually cheaper than whole life insurance, which lasts your whole life. When you're shopping for life insurance, think about which type is best for you and your budget.


Finally, the more life insurance coverage you want, the higher the cost will be. For example, a policy that pays out $1,000,000 if something happens to you will cost more than one that pays out $250,000. It's important to find the right balance between having enough coverage to protect your loved ones and not spending too much on your policy.
Now you know some of the factors that affect the cost of life insurance. Keep these in mind when you're shopping around, and you'll be better prepared to find the best policy for you and your loved ones.

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